Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stop! In the name of sanity...

Drastic times call for drastic measures... or something like that.

After much internal debate and several drafts (unfortunately not of beer), I finally wrote and mailed my Cease and Desist letter, otherwise known as a C&D. I had spoken with the local police; they suggested I take this step before filing a restraining order. The theory was that a letter would be less likely to incite a negative response than legal action. I'm not sure they would've said that had they read my letter, but believe me, what I finally sent was toned down considerably.

My intent was to send a few brief paragraphs telling Lizzy to go away, cite the possibility of legal action, and leave it at that. But the more I recounted the nonsense she has inflicted upon me for two years, the more I wanted to document the details. (*Read An Allergy to Nuts for background on Lizzygate.)

Since I also planned to send a copy of the C&D letter to her parents, I thought they should see the extent of her stalking. If I could demonstrate a pattern of unstable behavior and list Lizzy's multiple offenses, maybe they'd intervene and put the reins (or a strait jacket) on their daughter.

For a moment I considered forgoing the whole thing, given her severe mental illness. This woman's fragile psyche is like an alligator, capable of snapping at any moment. Perhaps continuing to ignore her would be kinder? Maybe I should tolerate her stalking, harassing and terrorizing me for the next 50 years. Sure, I'd be living like someone in witness protection... but so what... the fuck.
Wait a minute. Did I just get a whiff of her crazy and inhale too deeply? No, I had to send the letter. It was time. In fact, I should've nipped this in the bud over a year ago rather than staying on the high road.

My goal with the letter wasn't to humiliate or embarrass her, but to wake her up, shake her up, and make it clear that I was now imposing a zero tolerance policy.

So I put it all on the line. I laid out my case in a two-page missive, chronicling and documenting many of her offensive offenses. I tried to stick to facts. Diplomacy slipped a few times, but I let her know in no uncertain terms that her crazy bullyshit ends now.

I can't predict what effect my letter will have. I hope she moves on with her life and leaves me the fuck alone. Whether she also ceases and desists from being crazy ain't my problem.
If the stalking continues, I will slam Thin Lizzy and her bony ass hard with the legal system. Until then, I'm going on with my life. As far as I'm concerned, she equates to nothing in the grand scheme of my world.
A friend told me to "nothing-ize" her. She has no power over me, and I give no credence to her twisted opinion of me.

And so it goes. And so it is.

Next up: Stella!

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