
Below you will find a list of all posts since the inception of this website, in reverse chronological order. Read these refreshingly honest (and often blunt) accounts of dealing with the desperate antics of bullies and stalkers.

The stories recount the ridiculous behavior of these miserable people who think it's acceptable behavior to harass another person for kicks, spite, or retaliation for a perceived wrong. You'll react with laughter, shock, horror, surprise, amazement, and outrage.

Until recently, the flawed legal system has often failed to hold these bullies and stalkers accountable for their actions, but the times they are a-changin'. The first step toward change is awareness, along with acknowledging there is a problem.

With "Facing Bullies," I hope to shine a bright flashlight on some assholes, and then shove that flashlight up their collective asses to stop their bullyshit, at least in my corner of the world.

C'est Moi, Bullyfighter Extraordinaire

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Important! If you are being bullied or stalked in the real world,
or the unreal world (Internet), know that you are not alone.
Do not take matters into your own hands. Ask for help.
Talk to an attorney. Report the incident(s) to your local police.
If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.

Be safe. Be smart.